Genocide is harder to prove and never satisfies anyone, Mr. Sands said. In Germany, from 1913 onward, Kurt Wolffs eponymous house published Franz Kafka, Karl Kraus, and Heinrich Mann, as well as art books by Oskar Kokoschka and Paul Klee. They backed a U.N. resolution asking the International Court of Justice to issue an advisory opinion on the legality of the use of nuclear weapons. WebPhilippe Joseph Sands, KC (born 17 October 1960) is a British and French writer and lawyer at 11 King's Bench Walk and Professor of Laws and Director of the Centre on International Courts and Tribunals at University College London. from Duquesne University, and was a History of Art and Architecture major at the University of Pittsburgh. The legislation represents a major chance to tackle emissions, but some lawmakers vow to keep climate measures out. Mr. Sands came out strongly against the legality of the 2003 Iraq war, an issue about which he is fiercely critical of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and he is despairing about Britains vote to leave the European Union, changing his entry on Wikipedia from an Anglo-French lawyer to a Franco-British one. Lee argues both for and against this narrative as she builds an ever richer, circular understanding of his abiding themes and concerns, of his personal and artistic life, and of his many other passionate engagementswith the plight of Soviet Jewry in the 1980s; the future of the London Library; the Belarus Free Theatre. Like all of us who live still in the shadow of the Second World WarNiklas Frank, or Philippe Sands, or Alexander WolffStoppard has felt the call to turn and face history. In 2019, decrying the alleged mass murder, forced deportation and rape of Myanmars Rohingya Muslims by the countrys military before the International Court of Justice, he denounced the nations then-leader, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to her face: We heard much from Myanmars Agent about the vital importance of domestic accountability, but not a wordnot a wordabout the women and the girls of her country, Myanmar, who have been subjected to these awful serial violations. His best friend and former colleague, James Cameron, who is also a distinguished environmental lawyer, said that it can be hard to get a word in edgewise on those walks. (44) 20 7679 4758 Tel. The man he has been watching moves slowly to the dias where Sands is sitting and signals that he wants Sands to come closer. He sees the addition of ecocide in the rarified company of the four other international crimes as a signal that the worlds values are on the cusp of transforming. A decade later, the same Spanish judge who initiated the legal proceedings against Pinochet, Baltasar Garzn, has been assigned to the case against the Bush Administration officials. The man whispers something in his ear. The legacy goes on and on.. Conscious of this, Sands knows he must deliver. Katie has a masters degree in investigative journalism from Arizona State Universitys Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, an LLM in international rule of law and security from ASUs Sandra Day OConnor College of Law, a J.D. WebAndr Schiffrin est le fils de Jacques Schiffrin fondateur de la Pliade, le neveu du producteur de cinma Simon Schiffrin et un cousin loign de Lalo Schifrin. This has always been the impulse of the brilliant playwright who is now the subject of Tom Stoppard: A Life (Knopf, $37.50), by Hermione Lee. Tonight he is appearing as Sands, the author. The research and the book have made him feel more Jewish, at least tribally, he said. Sands tells Cogolati about an invitation he received from the German Ambassador in Brussels to brief an international coalition of diplomats about ecocide. Madam Agent, your silence said far more than your words! And while he is a consummate supporter of the International Criminal Court, he has also been one of its biggest critics. And he regrets that he has to decline most of the speaking invitations he receivesabout 10 per week. Schiffrin, who died of pancreatic cancer, was the son of a distinguished European literary publisher. They are now, and forever in the future, at risk of arrest. Though a small country, Belgiums support could act as a catalyst for other governments to quickly get on board, and, as home to the headquarters of the European Union and NATO, it would be a powerful bellwether. At Nuremberg, Frank was charged with crimes against humanity and genocide. And he knew that his mother was only a year old when she was brought to Paris and was hidden by Christians for five years, until August 1944, when she was reunited with her family. When Sands appears, some of them crane their necks and point in his direction. 14 Aug 2022. We have to break this umbilical cord where we just assume it has to be about the wellbeing of humans, he said. Raphael Lemkins quest to criminalize genocide lasted over a decade. The current torture case began in the spring of 2004, when photographs of abused prisoners at Abu Ghraib surfaced. Through Niklas Frank, Sands was introduced to Horst von Wchter, the son of Otto von Wchter, a high-ranking Nazi and colleague of Hans Frank, who was first the governor of Krakw and then of the District of Galicia. Later that year, Bush signed what is known as the Hague Invasion law, giving the president authority to use force should Americans be detained at the court. In The Ratline, Sands has once again written a riveting and insightful historical page-turner that proves to be part History Channel, part W.G.Sebald. But at this moment, he is in the flow. She is the daughter of the former publisher of Pantheon Books, the late Andr Schiffrin, and Mr. Sands concedes he was in awe of the familys literary milieu. It reinforces the sense of them against us, he said, adding: Once one community has genocide another community wants its genocide.. All rights reserved. Its not if it happens, but when, Sands says, holding up his right index finger. So I decided to find out what really happened. While keeping up his busy law practice, he travelled to America to interview the key players in what he described as a writing project I am engaged in on international law and the war on terror. Many Bush officials, including Feith and William J. Haynes II, the former Pentagon general counsel, who was also named in the Spanish lawsuit, agreed to meet with Sands, perhaps expecting a friendly chat. Advocates call for more climate-focused conservation. He is also the president of English PENa human rights organization that promotes the freedom to read and write internationallyand a member of the International Court of Arbitration for Sport, among other endeavors. If that argument had been used in 1945, that the time wasnt right, the world would be in a much darker place, he said. He explains that international criminal law is only concerned with the most egregious crimes. Anytime he has the chance to walk, he takes it. WebAndr Schiffrin est le fils de Jacques Schiffrin fondateur de la Pliade, le neveu du producteur de cinma Simon Schiffrin et un cousin loign de Lalo Schifrin. Guests at the ceremony included Milein and Hans niece Ena Blyth, as well as current owners of the home, Philippe Sands and Natalia Schiffrin. Shes smiling warmly at Sands who is taking the photograph. WebSchiffrin's daughter, journalist Anya Schiffrin, is married to the economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz. Sands declined the case. Sands is widely seen as the ideal spokesman for the cause because of his legal bona fides, his charisma and his fire for justice. WebPHILIPPE JOSEPH SANDS Faculty of Laws Matrix Chambers University College London Gray's Inn Bentham House London WC1R 5LN Endsleigh Gardens London WC1H OEG Tel. And we all want that. Wolff, who spent a year in Germany researching his family history, is best known as a longtime writer for Sports Illustrated. Sands is aware that one man is particularly important: he is drafting a legislative report on the viability of an ecocide law. He works in the trajectory toward execution at Nuremberg of another lawyer, Hans Frank, and only glancingly brings in his own ties to the city and his own murdered family, the emotional thread that distinguishes his book and makes it extraordinary. does work as a form of defence and a means of persuasion. Late in life, Stoppard. I dont have an answer to that question, he tells the audience. (44) 20 7679 4758 Tel. Schiffrin, who died of pancreatic cancer, was the son of a distinguished European literary publisher. The tech company Wirecard was embraced by the German lite. Mr. Sands adores Ms. Schiffrin, whom he met in New York in 1989. . WebSands was born in London on 17 October 1960 to Jewish parents. Sands lingers after the event to talk with fans until staff tell him they are turning the lights out. Having rebuffed Pinochet, Sands went to work for Human Rights Watch on the other side, arguing in favor of the application of universal jurisdiction and against immunity for the former head of state. In 2005, he answered that question in his first non-academic book, Lawless World, a scathing critique of Americas evolving engagement, for better or worse, depending on the perspective, with international rules like the Geneva Conventions, the U.N.s restrictions on the use of force, the Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Courts Rome Statute, which Bill Clinton signed in 2000 and George W. Bush unsigned in 2002. Menu. He won a favorable advisory opinion for the Indian Ocean island nation, with the court ruling that during the decolonization process, the United Kingdom had wrongfully separated the Chagos Islands from Mauritius and that London had to end its control over the islands as soon as possible. (In an almost unbelievable twist of fate, Lauterpachts son, Eli, had been his mentor at Cambridge Law). WebPhilippe Sands Follow this and additional works at: This Speech is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Journals at Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons. I want to give you a little bit of context and background so you can situate this in its broader framework, he says. Were talking about the serious potential deprivation of liberty.. Sands wife, Natalia Schiffrin, is the daughter of the late, renowned publisher Andr Schiffrin, and a well regarded attorney and magistrate in her own right. EDINBURGH Like many Holocaust survivors, his grandfather said little about the past. There was absolute silence as he spoke, no immunity. Audible gasps flooded the chamber. . From 2018 to 2019, Sands represented Mauritius before the International Court of Justice. He died in 1959, broke and still trying to convince the worlds most powerful country to ratify the 1948 genocide convention. Its never going to happen., Finding His Place, Reluctantly, in the Tribe of Judaism, International criminal law underwent a second growth spurt as ad hoc tribunals were set up to hold accountable perpetrators of atrocities in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, and calls for a permanent international criminal court grew louder. In Washington the other night, over a cup of camomile tea, Sands described the behind-the-scenes role he played in spurring the Spanish court to action. He discovered a passion in international law. Himself the son of an Austrian First World War hero, Otto never wavered in his commitment to Nazism, and he was swiftly promoted through the partys ranks, in each post amply salaried and awarded luxurious (stolen) accommodations. He grabs a quinoa saladIm trying to eat more vegetarian meals, he saysand takes his place in front of the screen. Subscribers can find additional help here. Through their on-again, off-again friendship, Sands gained access to thousands of Wchter family documents and photographs, now housed in the U.S. Guests at the blue plaque ceremony included Milein and Hans niece Ena Blyth, as well as current owners of the home, Philippe Sands and Natalia Schiffrin. As Cogolati speaks, Sands strokes his beard with his right hand and jots down notes whenever he hears a point he wants to rebut or remember. At one point, Sands shares that his work on the campaign has made him question his own professional choices. The opposite of polemical, Stoppard often presents contrary perspectives and opinions with equal conviction. WebPHILIPPE JOSEPH SANDS Faculty of Laws Matrix Chambers University College London Gray's Inn Bentham House London WC1R 5LN Endsleigh Gardens London WC1H OEG Tel. The British lawyer is flush with energy, despite being at the tail end of a week-long visit with clients on the island nation of Mauritius. Guests at the ceremony included Milein and Hans niece Ena Blyth, as well as current owners of the home, Philippe Sands and Natalia Schiffrin. Lee tells us that the whole play was written, Stoppard says, in order for this speech to be made.. WebPhilippe Sands Follow this and additional works at: This Speech is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Journals at Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons. Courtesy Greenhut Galleries, Portland, Maine Like William Faulkners Yoknapatawpha County or Marilynne Robinsons Gilead, Paul Hardings imaginary New England. None of the international crimes as such focus on the environment, because of course in 1945 the environment wasnt part of the international legal order or part of political consciousness., His virtual audience is composed of labor and workers rights representatives, one of many groups Stop Ecocide International is looking to for political support. Philippe Sandss remarkable 2016 book, East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, weaves together the history of his family and that of two concepts central to his chosen profession as an international human-rights lawyer. The acclaim for Sands books began to raise his profile outside of the international legal establishment and cement his place as a storyteller who could weave complicated topics into page-turning narratives. Time and again he had talked about his good luck, Lee notes. Sandss new book, The Ratline: The Exalted Life and Mysterious Death of a Nazi Fugitive (Knopf, $30), picks up where the film left off. Guests at the blue plaque ceremony included Milein and Hans niece Ena Blyth, as well as current owners of the home, Philippe Sands and Natalia Schiffrin. He wanted to go further. East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, is a marvel of medicine, chance and his own spirit, 2005 assassination of a former Lebanese prime minister, Rafik Hariri, Britains vote to leave the European Union. The book reveals how Otto, with the unflinching support of his wife, Charlotte, rose through Nazi ranks, oversaw the deaths of over 130,000 men, women and children, including Sands relatives. Like Dr. Henry Selwyn in Sebalds The Emigrants, Stoppard is revealed as someone whose displaced and traumatic childhood was so carefully overlaid by a stable British boarding school education and a successful patriotic life that the trauma might, for a long time, have been thought to have been erased. When speaking about ecocide, one of the questions Sands is often asked is some variation of: Having a crime of genocide hasnt stopped genocide from happening, so what good would an ecocide crime do? The question is one he takes to heart and hes quick to admit that he is not starry-eyed about the law and its ability to stop horrific things from happening. One chapter in the book scrutinizes how the first Bush administration justified the use of what is widely believed to be torture, in the name of fighting terrorism. What is acceptable behavior, at one moment in our existence becomes unacceptable, sometimes in a very short period of time, he said. He was convicted and hanged in October 1946. Dignitaries included His Excellency The Austrian Ambassador Michael Zimmermann and Head of the Cultural section at the German embassy Ralf Teepe. WebPhilippe Sands Follow this and additional works at: This Speech is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Journals at Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons. But actually its never going to happen. His research produced the 2008 book Torture Team, a searing analysis of the role top American officials played in systematizing torture. Then, in the lead up to the 1998 conference in Rome that established the International Criminal Court, there was more discussion about a fifth crime of ecocide, but a number of countries thought the time wasnt right. Dan Gearinos habit-forming weekly take on how to understand the energy transformation reshaping our world. When the Germans invaded, his father, a doctor with the Bata shoe company, was mercifully relocated by his employers to Singapore. Sands and his counterpart, Dior Fall Sow, a Senegalese jurist, were adamant that the group reach a consensus on the definition and that the final product be something that governments would embrace. He was educated at University College School in Hampstead, London and read law at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge attaining a B.A. All Leon would say was: Its complicated, its the past, not important, which Mr. Sands understood to mean: Dont pry. He tells the audience that he doesnt like to give specific examples of ecocidehis position is that it is for prosecutors and judges to decide. But by paragraph 29 of the decision, the most authoritative international tribunal made clear: environmental protection is a concern of international law. The space, with two softly lit chandeliers, has an intimate feel to it. In the process of his research, he met Niklas Frank, who is deeply ashamed of his Nazi father, and Horst von Wchter, the son of one of Mr. Franks Nazi deputies in Poland, Otto von Wchter, whose memory his son cannot bear to reject. Its not quite what your parents expected.. My generation have fucked it up, he said. Was he polite enough, did he talk too much, and was he effective? But Id been asking him questions about his legal career for two days running, and he was still thinking about a womana clientnamed Marie Liseby Elys. Sands found himself literally at ground zero in the U.S. war on terror as a global professor at New York University Law School on Sept. 11, 2001. As much as he is part of the establishment, the Cambridge-educated Sands has a reputation as a rebel, never missing an opportunity to criticize those same elites. WebSchiffrin's daughter, journalist Anya Schiffrin, is married to the economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz. (44) 20 7404 3447 Fax. Philippe likes to work things out by disagreement, Cameron said, adding that Sands tendency to challenge ideas can agitate certain sensibilities. anyone who wants to weaponize the rule of law first needs to have their own house in order, he wrote. Get a daily email of our original, groundbreaking stories written by our national network of award-winning reporters. The taxi jerks to a stop outside the stately Warwick Hotel, and Sands drops his small roller bag at the front desk. Philippe Sands is professor of law at University College London. Sandss book, Torture Team, offers a scathing critique of officials in the Bush Administration, accusing them of complicity in acts of torture. Its liberating, but its tough to articulate clearly, especially after a childhood when his French first name worked to disguise his religion. Among those whom the court singled out was Feith, the former Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy, along with former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales; John Yoo, a former Justice Department lawyer; and David Addington, the chief of staff and the principal legal adviser to Vice-President Dick Cheney. . But, he argues, law does change consciousness. The more assimilated Mr. Lauterpacht, who pushed for crimes against humanity, which concentrates on crimes against individuals, appeals more to his intellect, Mr. Sands said, than the outsider Mr. Lemkin and his campaign for the crime of genocide, which focuses on groups. But today, he feels that worry cannot override what he calls pressing and vital threats to the environment. Hes quick to note that it was the work of advocates, specifically Jojo Mehta and the late Polly Higgins, co-founders of Stop Ecocide International, who pushed the idea of an ecocide crime into the mainstream. An excerpt from The Wager, which reconstructs an eighteenth-century British naval expedition whose catastrophic end inspired numerous conflicting accountsand influenced the work of Charles Darwin and Herman Melville. Lee is frank and thoughtful about the challenges of writing about a living subject. When he talks about the case, which he calls one of the most important of his career, his nose wrinkles and the volume of his voice ticks up, tinged with an edge of disgust. But the retrospective awareness of that underlying trauma surely illuminates much about Stoppards extraordinary and endlessly inventive oeuvre. Sands got his first chance to demonstrate his convictions professionally in 1998. . WebPHILIPPE JOSEPH SANDS Faculty of Laws Matrix Chambers University College London Gray's Inn Bentham House London WC1R 5LN Endsleigh Gardens London WC1H OEG Tel. He told his wife, Natalia Schiffrin, about the offer. In that moment, they decided Otto would accept an official position in the Nazi government, knowing fully what that choice would mean. Sands is a professor of law at the University College London. The case became a turning point in international law, establishing the principle that there is no immunity even for the highest-ranking former government officials when they are accused of torture. What haunts are not the dead, but the gaps left within us by the secrets of others, wrote a Hungarian-born psychoanalyst, Nicolas Abraham, whom Mr. Sands uses as an epigraph to the book that resulted, East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.. His mother and her parents were Viennese Jews who barely survived the Holocaust; his mother spent the first seven years of her life in hiding, away from her family. Theres not much dispute anymore: torture happened, and the law is cleartorture must be punished., Meanwhile, Sands reiterated a warning that he made in his book. The son of a dentist and an antique bookstore manager in comfortable North London, Sands began his career as a legal research assistant of Eli Lauterpacht at Cambridge University. Few artists have, Outback Gathering, by Mel Brigg The artist. We have to seize the moment now.. Lee is a highly acclaimed biographer whose rigor and integrity make her decision to write under such conditions surprising. In Lviv, he embarked on a journey of both familial and self-discovery. Ad Choices. Jeune enfant, il doit partir en 1941 5 New York avec sa famille pour (44) 20 7679 4758 Tel. Guests at the blue plaque ceremony included Milein and Hans niece Ena Blyth, as well as current owners of the home, Philippe Sands and Natalia Schiffrin. Yet Stoppardwho is of the same generation as Niklas Frank and Horst von Wchterhas only latterly become aware of his own story. Shortly after Sands begins his lecture in Brussels on ecocide at the European Trade Union Confederation, a tall, slender man with dark curly hair walks into the room. Our values change over time. He then had long relationships with two actresses, Felicity Kendal and Sinad Cusack, before marrying the television producer Sabrina Guinness in 2014. The countrys legislature is on the cusp of voting on domestic ecocide legislation and deciding whether to back the international effort. It deals with issues of identity: who are we? he explains. The global literary legacy of Kurt and Helen Wolff cannot be overstated. Philippe Sands in Edinburgh. Also referred to as the Reich migratory route, the Ratline was an escape route used by Nazis to flee from Europe to South America, [which had been] identified as a place of safety governed by sympathetic leaders. (For many of us, it is understood as the backstory to Seventies films such as Marathon Man and The Boys from Brazil.) January 2022. WebNatalia M Schiffrin was born on month day 1964. In 1990, the same year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its first assessment, Sands, using a bulky compaq computer, typed out the founding agreement of the Alliance of Small Island States, known as AOSIS, with Cameron looking over his shoulder. Philippe Sands knew that his grandfather, Leon Buchholz, had been born in Lemberg, now Lviv, in Ukraine, and somehow had made his way to Vienna, where his daughter Ruth, Philippes mother, was born, and then to Paris. If I were they, he said, referring to the former officials in question, I would think carefully before setting foot outside the United States. Sands worried about the direction of the talks, but ultimately decided that an imperfect agreement was better than no agreement. Lee describes an early spoof documentary, Tom Stoppard Doesnt Know: Since Stoppard cant make his mind up about anything, he puts two of himself on a discussion panel, arguing for and against boycotting (I find myself in cautious agreement with two opposite views), for and against theatre as social responsibility. His stage playsamong them Jumpers, Travesties, The Real Thing, Hapgood, Arcadia, and the trilogy, The Coast of Utopiarange widely in subject matter, but all are densely layered, theatrically complex, engagingly witty, and intellectually consuming. TV Shows. Surely it was the fact that very few contemporary lives are as rich, as interesting, or as artistically, intellectually, and historically compelling as Stoppards. I just want to be treated as Sands. The group makes their way to the lecture hall, which is about half full with students and peppered with about 10 middle aged men in suits, some of whom are Belgium policymakers. Until the onset of the war, the children spent summers with Kurt and Helen on the Cte dAzur, but their narratives then diverged sharply. Until this is sorted out, they are in their own legal black hole.. He showed me photographs from his recent Mauritius trip, one of which is Elys sitting on a couch in her living room. Get help here. Pinochet spent some sixteen months under house arrest. (44) 20 7404 3447 Fax. But it was not until Mr. Sands, an international lawyer and university professor, was invited to Lviv in 2010 to lecture at the university there that he began to dig into his suppressed past. Now, the Hard Work Begins, After Criticism, Gas Industry Official Withdraws as Candidate for Marylands Public Service Commission. As much as he is part of the establishment, the Cambridge-educated Sands has a reputation as a rebel, never missing an opportunity to criticize those same elites. When Cogolati makes a remark suggesting the crime of ecocide should apply to corporate entities along with individuals, Sands starts fidgeting with his pen until he has an opening to jump in. He has about 30 minutes before hes due to give his first speech on ecocide at the European Trade Union Confederation. At the end of the war, he hid in the Alps to avoid prosecution. Forced to flee Germany in 1933 due to his degenerate publishing business and his Jewish heritage, Kurt Wolff left behind two children from his first marriage, Maria and Niko, who lived with their mother and her new husband. Most people in his orbit clamor for a piece of his time and attention, and he is fairly generous with both. In two weeks, Belgiums lawmakers would pass a resolution supporting both domestic and international ecocide legislation. What happened? In the lecture, which he has given around Europe and last year in Nuremberg at the 70th anniversary of the trial, he tells the story of the two lawyers who both studied at Lviv Hersch Lauterpacht, who formulated the concept of crimes against humanity, and Rafael Lemkin, who developed the concept of genocide and of their rivalry over the trial. Cancer, was mercifully relocated by his employers to Singapore his time and attention, and he regrets he... To back the international Criminal Court, he wrote with fans until tell... M Schiffrin was born on month day 1964, law does change consciousness it with. Government, knowing fully what that choice would mean wants Sands to come closer, before marrying the television Sabrina! Does change consciousness about Stoppards extraordinary and endlessly inventive oeuvre but ultimately decided that imperfect. 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