In such a case, of a double crisis of a lack of constitutional government alongside the commission of these crimes, the AU is entitled to intervene. The Dinka are the largest ethnic group in southern Sudan. Point out northern and southern Sudan. Privacy Notice| Conflict and poor harvests contributed to a hunger crisis in 2017. Mask-making, pottery, basket-weaving, etc., are some other skills of Sudanese craftsmen. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. The following discussion of three of those cultures merely suggests some rather prominent cultural patterns that are illustrative of the wide range present. Porridge made of corn or wheat might also be consumed with stews. Women are at the forefront of the demonstrations. A dish made of banana paste called Moukhbaza is widely eaten in east Sudan. The Khartoum League, one of the continents oldest football leagues, is also located in the country. To move toward peace in South Sudan, "the initiative should be taken at the African level, particularly by the African Union," says de Waal. In response, the government equipped and supported Arab militiaswhich came to be known as Janjaweed (also . Read more summary. The economic problems brought Sudanese from all walks of life to the streets, but the organisation of demonstrations was taken on by the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) - a collaboration of doctors, health workers and lawyers. Unlike many other African countries, Sudan has a vast repertoire of written literature with the oldest ones dating from 700 BCE and was written in the Meroitic script. The African Cup of Nations was held for the first time in 1956 in Sudan. The resignation of Prime Minister Hamdok and growing public anger have deepened uncertainty in Sudan. Demonstrators argued that Mr Bashir's regime was so deeply entrenched that it would take time to dismantle its political network and open the way for free and fair elections. Most African and Western countries have backed the protesters. Terms of Service| An abundance of water bodies in southern Sudan brings a variety of fishes to the Sudanese table in this region. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Men took part in wrestling and fighting as part of their training for manhood. Is there a risk that South Sudans prolonged conflict could be destabilizing beyond the countrys borders? Several initiation rights mark their journey into adulthood. Ask groups to mark the routes the Lost Boys took. World Relief Sudan was recently awarded $900,000 in emergency funds fromthe Sudan Humanitarian Fund (through theUNDP) to provide immediate humanitarian assistance. A civil war broke out in South Sudan in 2013. He could call upon the [ethnic] Nuer militia and the so-called White Army to mobilize almost overnight, because thats what theyve done for some twenty years. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Gender-based roles are well-defined. The military and pro-democracy movement have been locked in a tussle for power that has led to mass protests and killings. This interview has been edited and condensed. Polygamous marriages were more common in the past. by Lindsay Maizland When the military took power in April, demonstrators stayed put outside its headquarters and insisted that it transfer authority to a civilian administration. what new things the Lost Boys experienced on the journey from Kenya to the U.S. Dinka homelands in southern Sudan to refugee camps in western Ethiopia, refugee camps in western Ethiopia, across the border into Sudan, and to Kakuma refugee camp in northwestern Kenya, explain who the Lost Boys of Sudan are and how they got that name, locate northern Sudan, southern Sudan, and the Dinka homeland on a world map, describe the experiences of the Lost Boys in Sudan and after they fled Sudan, map the routes the Lost Boys took on their migration journey from Sudan to the United States, map the routes the Lost Boys took within the United States, describe the challenges of displaced peoples, describe American culture in their own words, answer questions about the Lost Boys and cultural identity after watching videos, Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector, Speakers. Pre-teach relevant vocabulary, including human migration, immigrant, emigrant, refugee, and resettlement.2. READ DIRECTIONS Activity 2: Mapping the Migration of the Lost Boys 45 mins Students map the migration journey of the Lost Boys and Girls. As the first step toward ending the civil war, Machar returned to Juba in April 2016 and was once again sworn in as vice president, after spending more than two years outside of the country. This trust enabled our team to quickly respond to the latest humanitarian crisis in partnership with UN agencies and other INGOs. Have students watch the excerpt and write about it.Show students the excerpt and have them list their questions about the video and its content as they watch. 2022 World Relief | Privacy Policy | World Relief is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Site Designed and Developed by 5by5 - A Change Agency, Crisis in Sudan: Responding to Violence and Empowering Women, Refugees, Immigrants, and Displaced People, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), World Relief Baltimore Immigrant Services Office, 151,400 IDPs in Geneina (West Darfur) from Jan-April 2021, 65,000 newly displaced IDPs in April alone. More than two decades of civil unrest in the Sudan have cost the lives of about 1.5 million people and had a devastating effect on the well-being of the population. It was five times than in Uganda. Sudan has one of Africas best basketball teams. Each major ethnic group and historical region has its own special forms of cultural expression. Patrilineal descent was important in determining the social identity of a person, inheritance, and rights and duties concerning marriage and bridewealth (gifts from the groom and his kinsmen to the father of the bride and his kinsmen). Whatever you may think of the Ethiopian governmentand their human rights record leaves a lot to be desiredif you go to Ethiopia, you see that that money is being used for public gooda lot of infrastructure, a lot of health servicesa huge physical material transformation of the country and economic development. The Lost Boys of Sudan are a group of Dinka youth who fled civil war in their native country, spent a decade growing up in a Kenyan refugee camp, and were eventually resettled in the United States. 26. First, that the political rivals could reconcile and resolve their differences. World Relief is both an equal opportunity employer and a faith-based religious organization. National Geographic Headquarters They have lost a lot of face and have been discredited. person who flees their home, usually due to natural disaster or political upheaval. Activity 1: The Lost Boys of Sudan 45 mins Students learn where the Lost Boys are from and how they got their name. And the specific reason why it did so in South Sudan was both the legacy of previous conflict, where groups had been organized on an ethnic basis. How and why does political identity default to ethnic identity in conflicts like the civil war in South Sudan? Although the Otoro were patrilineal, matrilineal ties were also important. World Relief Sudan is well aware of the specific challenges which women and girls face in such environments and is taking measures to prevent violence, protect vulnerable beneficiaries and support the agency and voices of women in their communities. This lists the logos of programs or partners of. Video, 00:17:58Sudans livestream massacre, Rape and the revolution: 'They were crying and screaming', Human error to blame for train crash - Greek PM, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. However, reports of continued attacks and violations, coupled with the collapse of multiple previous peace deals, highlight concerns that the fragile peace may not hold. 30.2.2: Rising Discontent in Russia. Sudan has been described as "Africa in microcosm.' Formerly a single country, political conflict between North and South spawned its ongoing civil war through the second half of the 20th century which eventually culminated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, and the secession of South Sudan in 2011. Marriages between cousins are often preferred. Civil war along ethnic lines broke out in December 2013, following President Salva Kiirs accusations that former Vice President Riek Machar was plotting a coup dtat. WASH committees are important because they ensure regular maintenance and orderly use of the access points. Five days later, the military announced that the president had been overthrown. community of people scattered from their homeland. mechanisms that allow for the rapid reallocation of. Barrie novel Peter Pan who formed a family and took care of each other in Never-Never Land. How much has that war shaped the actions of combatants in South Sudan today? Corruption is rampant and this poses a huge obstacle to economic growth. About 70% of the population are Sudanese Arab. Revolution, unrest and war have ravaged Sudan's history since its independence from British and Egyptian rule in 1956. Have a whole-class discussion about the hazards and physical challenges of the routes, including drought, wildlife, and food sources. Today, however, there are chiefs selected by the local government from among persons of local wealth and importance. The next challenge to the UN is if it is to have any sort of stepped-up political, administrative role, is it actually capable of doing it? John Dau, a former "Lost Boy," works to help others in his immigrant community as well as at home in South Sudan. Modern Sudanese literature emerged in the 16th and 17th centuries and was mainly written in Arabic or some local languages like the Fur language. Compounding the situation was an economic crisis that incapacitated markets and sent the price of food beyond what most people could . Go to National Geographic's Sudan Facts page and invite volunteers to take turns reading aloud the information. the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) - a collaboration of doctors, health workers and lawyers. 1. Students watch excerpts from the film God Grew Tired of Us to learn about the Lost Boys of Sudan and the refugee experience, map the Lost Boys migration journey, and discuss the challenges the Lost Boys faced while adapting to life in the United States and trying to maintain their cultural identities as Dinka. human imprint on the physical environment. Talks between the ruling generals and the protest organisers, who have come together under the umbrella group Forces of Freedom and Change, initially showed little sign of progress, but they eventually came to an agreement. In Brief The Council on Foreign Relations'Nigeria Security Tracker is an effort to catalog and map political violence based on a weekly survey of Nigerian and international press. The Lost Boys of Sudan are a group of Dinka youth who fled civil war in their native country, spent a decade growing up in a Kenyan refugee camp, and were eventually resettled in the United States. Traditional and folk music like the Sufi Dervishes, Haqibah, Southern Sudanese folk music, and Northern Sudanese lyrical music also lost their prominence in modern-day Sudan. Annual Lecture on China: Frayed RelationsThe United States and China, Virtual Event The National Culture Policy is a timely and vital policy for peace-building and for the sustainable development of the Republic of South Sudan. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. They will best know the preferred format. Al-Bashir seized power in a military coup in 1989. . January 31, 2022, How Tobacco Laws Could Help Close the Racial Gap on Cancer, Interactive Preteach or review relevant vocabulary, including: Have students make connections to their own lives to make sure they understand each concept. Jeanne Wallace-Weaver, Educational Consultant, adapted from the National Geographic Xpeditions lessons God Grew Tired of Us: Migration and Cultural Interaction and God Grew Tired of Us: Culture Clash and Community-Building. Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Fungus case forces Jack Daniels to halt construction, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Havana Syndrome unlikely to have hostile cause - US, Dozens of girls treated after new Iran poisonings, Fire knocks out half of Argentina's power grid. The wide social and cultural diversity included in the Democratic Republic of the Sudan is graphically illustrated by a number of recently published or re-printed works. Sudan is a Northeast African country with varied geography featuring deserts, mountains, sea coasts, and more. The significant residential and herding unit was the camp, the composition of which changed with the seasons. There was also an association of cicatrization (scarring) with a test of manhood: killing an enemy entitled a person to have a small pattern of scars on his back. learned behavior of people, including their languages, belief systems, social structures, institutions, and material goods. The Otoro political system consisted of a number of territorial segments that did not coincide with kinship groupings. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Increasing intercommunal violence and attacks, the threatof the peace process unraveling, and dire humanitarian conditionsacross large swaths of South Sudan has placed renewed urgency on. Civil Unrest in Geneina. Each surra had a leader who was wealthy but who had no administrative functions unless he was already a member of the local government. World Relief strictly prohibits and does not tolerate unlawful discrimination against employees on the basis of persons race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state, or local law, which does not conflict with the protections afforded World Relief as a faith-based employer. Introduce the film God Grew Tired of Us and the excerpt students will watch.Explain to students that the film documents the story of the Lost Boys of Sudan as they fled civil war, spent a decade growing up in a Kenyan refugee camp, and were eventually resettled in the United States. Students may respond with examples of cultural markers, such as music, food, fashion, language, or slang. So there were ethnically based grievances and ethnically based narratives of fear, which meant that when fighting broke out, people fled to their brethren for security. And indeed, all the evidence we have is that they are committing the same crimes. The reason things turned from a political crisis to a war was not because of ethnic divisions, but because the army was not a professionalized, institutionalized army, but rather a collection of militia., The reason things turned from a political crisis to a war was not because of ethnic divisions as such, but because the army was not a professionalized, institutionalized army, but rather a collection of militia, each of which was organized on the basis of personal loyalty to its commanderin effect, ethnically based armed units. In 2014, the AU itself carried out an investigation into violations of human rights and international humanitarian law during the armed conflict. Additionally, highway blockades resulted in the halting of around 3,000 trucks, causing losses of up to USD2 . Locally, there was a descending hierarchy of hereditary fief stewards, village heads, and, lastly, heads of households. Sudan is witnessing a mass public movement demanding the transfer of power from the army to the people. The UN said at least 60 were killed in the attack. Introduce the film God Grew Tired of Us and the excerpt students will watch.Explain to students that the film documents the story of the Lost Boys of Sudan as they fled civil war, spent a decade growing up in a Kenyan refugee camp, and were eventually resettled in the United States. From being a vast, diverse country at war with itself, Sudan has split in . This system marked the development of a person from an ordinary youth to that of a big man. Girls also formed age-grade groups. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Traditional cultures Because of Sudan's great cultural diversity, it is difficult to classify the traditional cultures of the various peoples. Although divorces were unheard of in the past and regarded as a taboo, the scenario is gradually changing. A. J. Whiteman, THE GEOLOGY OF THE SUDAN REPUBLIC, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971) xiv, 290 pp., $25.75. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Similar patterns were also made on the upper arms of successful hunters. Moreover, the countrys two leadersKiir and Macharwere the primary instigators of rival factions in the civil war that began in 2013, and the peace between them is fragile. Introduce the vocabulary word diaspora and have students add routes to their maps.Explain to students that the vocabulary word diaspora refers to the migration of a people away from an established homeland, or the displacement of a people. Basketball, volleyball, handball are other popular games played in the country. The Sudanese culture has also evolved over centuries of social and political changes. In all these poorly institutionalized societies, thats what tends to happen. Students watch excerpts from the film God Grew Tired of Us to learn about the Lost Boys of Sudan and the refugee experience, map the Lost Boys migration journey, and discuss the challenges the Lost Boys faced while adapting to life in the United States and trying to maintain their cultural identities as Dinka. Then ask students to write a brief summary describing who the Lost Boys are and what they experienced. The actions by the president and the chief of staff in July were tantamount to this. Cuts to bread and. Under the threat of international sanctions and following several rounds of negotiations supported by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Kiir signed a peace agreement with Machar in August 2015. On 4 August they signed a constitutional declaration which will pave the way for the formation of a transitional government. The recent rapes and beatings of aid workers and civilians by soldiers at a Juba hotel have been linked to a lack of accountability for human rights violations during Sudans decades-long civil war. Introduce and watch three excerpts from God Grew Tired of Us.Tell students that they will watch three excerpts from God Grew Tired of Us. Explain to students that Sudans second civil war was caused by conflicts between northern and southern Sudan over oil and religion. Members of known terrorist groups continue to be in Sudan and could pose a threat. Global Health Program, Higher Education Webinar: Teaching the History of American Democracy, Webinar For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. A leader of the Nuer, the second largest ethnic group in South Sudan, he had split from the SPLM and fought against it for years during the civil war. They discuss the concept of a diaspora and the challenges of displacement. The Fur reckoned descent patrilineally, but residence was customarily with or near the wifes parents. The data presented includes violent incidents related to political, economic, and social grievances directed at the state or other affiliated groups (or,conversely, the state employing violence to respond to those incidents.). Explain to students that Sudans second civil war was caused by conflicts between northern and southern Sudan over oil and religion. Then use the provided answer key to discuss students' answers.4. Among the Otoro, an individual achieved higher status as he was promoted from one age-grade to another. Although official casualties are difficult to confirm, one April 2018 study estimated that nearly four hundred thousand people were killed during the five years of war, an additional nearly four million were internally displaced or fled the country. If you do not have enough time, encourage students to watch the film at home on their own.5. Power among the Humr Baqqrah stemmed from wealth and strength of personality. Media'Coverage' The'Sudan'and'South'Sudan'refugee'crisishasreceived'lessattention'than'most'othersbythe'United'States These services are provided with special emphasis on gender protection and representation, challenging communities to change the way they engage with one another, and empowering women to take leadership roles in their communities. The tribe was divided into two sections, each of which was divided into a further five sections, each comprising major lineages, camps, and extended families. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Tribalism is the state of being organized and advocating for a tribe. In October 2021, the Sudanese National Chamber of Importers stated that the one month disruption at Port Sudan had cost up to USD65 million daily to the Sudanese economy, with over 900 containers stuck at the port. Tell students that they will see an excerpt, called "From Sudan to the United States." However, if a husband disagreed with his in-laws, he could take his wife to live with his own group. The TMC's vice-president, Mohamed Hamdan Dagolo, also known as Hemeti, flew to Saudi Arabia in June to meet the crown prince Mohamed Bin Salman, promising to stand with the kingdom against threats and continue sending Sudanese troops to help the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. Best of fest. 2023 BBC. the movement of people from one place to another. The excerpt includes stories from the Kakuma refugee camp. by Richard Haass What happened during the 3 June massacre? They perhaps fear the protests in Sudan could inspire similar events to take place in their countries. Privacy Notice| Read about our approach to external linking. Sudan experienced its second unrest in two years on October 25 after the armed forces seized power and dissolved the joint civilian-military Sovereign Council that was supposed to transfer power to civilian control by sometime next month. Another Hollow Peace Deal Signed in South Sudan, Political Splintering at the Root of Failing South Sudanese Peace Deals, South Sudan's Splintered Opposition: Preventing More Conflict, Conflict and Crisis in South Sudan's Equatoria, South Sudan's Second Decade May Be As Troubled As Its First, Deadly Clashes Threaten South Sudan's Shaky Peace Deal, South Sudan, The World's Youngest Country, Is Deep in Crisis, By entering your email and clicking subscribe, you're agreeing to receive announcements from CFR about our products and services, as well as invitations to CFR events. There is usually a significant age difference between the bride and groom. How Bad Is Ukraines Humanitarian Crisis a Year Later? Kawari is the most popular soup and is made of cattle's or sheep's hoofs, spices, and vegetables. Students watch excerpts from the film God Grew Tired of Us. The UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan said on Friday that lack of progress in implementing key provisions of a 2018 peace deal contributes to the persistent insecurity and impunity which allows violations to occur. Many first marriages, contracted to conform to the expectation of elders, ended in divorce, but in subsequent marriages partners could be freely chosen. Blood feuds occurred between segments and were settled by payment of blood money. Brigadier General Lemi Lomukaya (front R) of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO), a South Sudanese antigovernment force, poses with rebels at a base in Birigo, on the South Sudanese side of the border with Uganda, on September 22, 2018. What cultural aspects of Sudan contribute to civil unrest? Paramilitary organisations and various Islamist militias hold some sway. Academic and Higher Education Webinars, C.V. Starr & Co. They discuss the challenges the Lost Boys faced while adapting to life in the United States and trying to maintain their cultural identities. Backgrounder Elections to be held at the end of that period, A sovereign council, cabinet and legislative body will be formed, A general will head the council for the first 21 months, a civilian for the remaining 18, Sovereign council will have 11 members (5 civilian and 5 military nominees plus one agreed by consensus), A prime minister, nominated by the pro-democracy movement, will head the cabinet, The ministers of defence and interior will be chosen by the military, The other positions will be taken by pro-democracy candidates, Sovereign council and cabinet members barred from running for election. In 1977, oil was found in south-western Sudan, but the civil war in the 1980s and 1990s stopped most of the examination and expansion of the oil deposits. The military and protesters have reached several agreements fleshing out the details of a power-sharing arrangement, with each side trying to overcome suspicion and build a working relationship. List each route on the board: 2. Women and girls may be attacked as they look for firewood or water outside the camp, and As financial resources are depleted, adolescent girls are married off at increasingly younger ages. The upsurge in anti-Americanism in South Sudan has to be seen in this context. The art of Sudan reflects its centuries-old history. The Otoro recognized tribal boundaries defined by periodically renewed intertribal treaties. Read about our approach to external linking. If possible, find other examples of Sudanese and Dinka cultural markers to share with students. Under their harsh rule, they have cracked down on womens rights and neglected basic services. Education made little headway among the Humr Baqqrah because it came into conflict with their way of life; people were reluctant to send their children to schools because livestock and cattle herding would suffer. The August 2015 peace agreement simply cannot be implemented: it was based on three false premises. Five years after gaining independence, South Sudan is gripped by a civil war that has killed an estimated 50,000 and displaced 1.6 million. Among the Humr Baqqrah the main distinction was between persons of Arab descent (who held the positions of power) and non-Arabs. 210 KB. A formal signing ceremony is due to take place on 17 August. Newsroom| person who moves from their existing country or region to a new country or region. The geographical variations in the country have given birth to regional cultural differences. Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography, Social Studies, World History, Photograph courtesy National Geographic Entertainment/Newmarket Films. In December 2013, following a political struggle between Kiir and Machar that led to Machar's removal as vice president, violence erupted between presidential guard soldiers from the two largest ethnic groups in South Sudan. The Bambara people of Sudan are famous for their wood-carved antelope headdresses that have immense cultural significance. Have a whole-class discussion to have students make media-to-self connections.Ask: 5. private sector to meet surges in . The agreement, called the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan, included a new power-sharing structure and reinstated Machar as vice president. The key to an understanding of contemporary Sudanese culture is diversity. Notwithstanding its flaws, it should have been protected. Then they watch an excerpt from the film, God Grew Tired of Us, and write about it. Machar fled the country and was eventually detained in South Africa. February 22, 2023 It is made of corn or durra. Explain to students that Sudan's second civil war was caused by conflicts between northern and southern Sudan over oil and religion. Code of Ethics| You cannot download interactives. Though largely taking a back seat in mediation efforts run by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and neighboring countries, the United States and its international partners have an interest in ensuring a lasting settlement to the conflict in South Sudan, addressing the humanitarian crisis caused by the war, and preventing destabilizing regional spillover. with James M. Lindsay and Michelle Gavin And if it needed to be revised, it needed to be revised through discussion. 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