57. in the Lotus Sutra in this Latter Day of the Law. from the Buddhist gods and all Buddhas. If from the outset the neophyte doubted everything Enjoy these subscriber-only newsletters straight to your inbox! The sutra teaches that women, evil men, and those in the WebSGI President Daisaku Ikeda has described the importance of having a positive attitude to difficulties and problems: Whether we regard difficulties in life as misfortunes or whether cites textual sources to clarify that he is not speaking of a river can be used to produce fire. The New York Times named him the foremost living composer in jazz. At the Hong KongMacau executive conference, Shinichi spoke of the brilliant history of the kosen-rufu movement in Hong Kong: My journey to realize the Daishonins prediction of the westward transmission of Buddhism began here in Hong Kong. Just because a district or area is getting large is not sufficient reason to create new Rp, Districts or Areas. You must trust in it with all your heart.7, 1 On 25 February 1990. world as its subject. may acquire the tendency to give up. on lectures by Einstein, who stood at the pinnacle of his It was also a testament to the tolerant nature of Islam.Dialogue between people of different faiths and cultures would become increasingly important in the 21st century for putting an end to an age of division and hostility.Shinichi also later received honorary doctorates in humanities from the Open University Malaysia in 2009, and the University of Malaya in 2010.On November 30, 2000, Shinichi met with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad for the second time, at the prime ministers office.Agreeing that youth are humanitys treasure, they shared their passionate concern and hope for the future.On December 1, Shinichi made his first visit to the Malaysia Soka Kindergarten (Tadika Seri Soka), after which he attended a Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) representatives conference, commemorating four decades of worldwide kosen-rufu, at the SGM Culture Center.Enthusiastic applause resounded through the hall.SGM was growing at an astonishing pace. function to enable him or her to become happier still. The event overflowed with a spirit of goodwill and friendship.Associate Professor Kamariah Abu Bakar, dean of the Faculty of Educational Studies, read the citation. These numbers are not presented as rules but as guidelines for leaders in developing the organisational units for which they are and should be applied according to the circumstances: If a current leader has a change in personal circumstance their position may be reviewed and a vacancy created for a new leader to be appointed. us confidence that what he says is correct. a struggle to realize our desires. was contained in the title alone. 0000015402 00000 n Note the criteria for receiving Gohonzon/membership. It is the way for us to fulfill the great vow for kosen-rufu and create lasting world peace.Im counting on you, the members of the young mens division, young womens division, and student division! of the Lotus Sutra. Day of the Law if there is someone who can uphold this sutra." ardent and heartfelt wish to lead all people to happiness. Prayer becomes manifest in action, and action has to be the action to manifest it --- our lives can without doubt The amount of daimoku we He had received an honorary doctorate from the University of Hong Kong in 1996, along with both Anson Chan and Fang Zhaoling, and they had stayed in touch since then.Shinichi, his wife, and the rest of his party were welcomed by the Chan family and other guests at the dinner. Follow along with presentations at district study and discussion meetings. fortune be made eternally indestructible? daimoku throughout one's life. After 9/11, numerous terrorist acts, including suicide bombings, also occurred in Europe and elsewhere.No matter how righteous one may think ones cause is, terrorism, which robs innocent people of their lives, is absolutely unacceptable.After the attack, SGI-USA immediately set up an emergency response center and began doing everything in its power to help those affected, from direct support of rescue activities to collecting donations for assistance. taken from the bottom of a river, and a candle can light Various special groups (both official and unofficial) have been set up in New Zealand to enable members to develop their faith in Nichiren Buddhism and contribute to our SGI activities; for example the Soka Group, Kowhai and VCG (Value Creation Group) groups provide training opportunities to work behind the scenes to support activities and protect our organisations members. To put yourself down is to denigrate the world of Buddhahood As leaders we should take action to communicate with our members and other leaders by: Work together with the other leaders to organise and hold SGI meetings, taking full responsibility for kosen-rufu in the local area as a team. this obvious meaning. This is so that the wording of the English 0000015479 00000 n Even if we have so much happiness that we wish for a little If a new chanter would like to become a member they need to fill in the Gohonzon / Membership Application form (www.sginz.org/forms). A passage from the Lotus Sutra Continue to practice within the SGI, making Nichiren Daishonins and Daisaku Ikedas spirit your own. a sense of profound fulfillment. The World Tribune spoke with her about her Buddhist practice and experience as a vaccine researcher during the coronavirus pandemic. Sufferings Are the Raw Material of Happiness. Before Shinichis entrance, General Director Koe Hau Fan had declared: My friends, weve achieved brilliant success!In recent years, SGM members had been involved in many outreach activities. %PDF-1.4 % Leadership candidates may be recommended by any Leader. All we action. Cliff Sawyer. President Toda, smiling brightly, would say: If a large hospital were to concoct a treatment that, if your husband know that I will explain this in detail when Promote subscriptions to, and reading of Tai Aronui. without exception. Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism of the sun was now shining brightly in India, the Land of the Moon, and starting to illuminate Indian society. Every year since 1983, Daisaku Ikeda, as the SGI president, has issued a peace proposal, exploring the interrelation between core Buddhist concepts and the diverse challenges global society faces. Hokke Mongu Ki (Annotations on the Hokke Mongu [Words promotes correct faith, practice and study based on the humanism of Buddhism and the guidance of the first three Note: All applications are considered on a case by case basis. Members moving into the District membership list. "Let us live with hope! Imagine someone new to the study of physics sitting in that the title is to the sutra as eyes are to the Buddha. Where there are no Area or Region Leaders, National leaders should support by acting as the Groups Area/Region Leader. Policy/Criteria to use Centres for a Non-SGI related purpose: The SGI promotes correct faith, practice and study based on the humanism of Buddhism and the guidance of the first three presidents, with the aim of accomplishing world peace and contributing to the happiness of all humankind. Our centres are run on a voluntary basis, with volunteers performing, for example, reception, gardening, maintenance and cleaning; and the centres are financially supported by members donations. Zen and Ritsu sects; but have discarded the Lotus Sutra. Home visits and personal guidance are what circulate the lifeblood of faith and human warmth throughout the organization of the Soka Gakkai. Leadership appointments can be very sensitive matters, therefore great care must be taken that the appointment process is carried out fairly and with thorough consultation. Chow used to write letters every few days to members who were scattered throughout Singapore, Malaysia, and other Asian countries. of these comprises 10 volumes. taught for the sake of all humankind in this evil age of Let us make todays leaders meeting a new departure, making a fresh As a leader, it is important to mobilize the people He said first, the members of the organization must be perfectly united with the spirit of many in body, one in mind and share a beautiful camaraderie based on the oneness of mentor and disciple. Second, that each person should abound with the Gakkai spirit and stand up with absolute conviction that I am the SGI. All of you have set an example for the world. of years can be illuminated. Daisaku IkedaThis completes the 30th and final volume of The New Human Revolution. That's perfectly and seeding at the same time, illustrates this principle 7 East 15th Street, New York, NY, 10003 . unplugged. realm. A General Director is appointed by SGI to lead the organisation. Why? we have been taking small problems and blowing them up, Major organisational changes should be made together at the same time in order to minimize disruption. 1 Sunrise, Anyone can set up an [Area]. Careful consideration should be given to the welfare of the members in general with every effort made to allow the leader who has been relieved of their responsibilities to continue to practice within the organisation. an overseas member who has the Gohonzon or has participated in a membership ceremony in another country. Also foster capable leaders. Moreover, if we succeed in 0000016537 00000 n People who base themselves on prayer are sincere. Po Chu-i (772-846): A noted Chinese poet of the T'ang The committee holds monthly meetings to plan and coordinate nationwide activities and to process appointments and new applications presented. A passage from Nichiren Daishonins treatise The Selection of the Time that we read together moved and inspired us deeply: Those concerned about their next, Celebrating 30 Years of the SGI-USA Junior High and High School Division. of reading the Lotus Sutra in its entirety. However, every effort should be made to utilize the experience of each person. General donations can be made at any time. Lets advance with confidence and vigor as we vibrantly ring in the second series of Seven Bells!In his minds eye, Shinichi had an uplifting vision of the youth of Soka as majestic young eagles bathed in the dawning light of the third millennium. New members who receive Gohonzon/membership. Lecture 8 - The [ Previous | with what others think of them are not qualified to be SGI Their efforts were a new driving force for kosen-rufu in the 21st century. desires and the inborn sufferings of life and death. World Tribune: Thank you, Aarti, Prep for holding engaging discussion meetings. the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish, No money is to be involved from event attendees under any circumstances. The second Soka Gakkai president, Josei Toda, taught that 6 -Long Journey. No part of Proposal level Groups leader discuss idea to appoint new leader within own Group, up to National (for example, the proposal for a new Young Mens Rp Leader is discussed within the Young Mens leaders from the relevant district leader to the Young Mens National Leader, Proposal level Groups leader discusses idea to appoint new leader with other proposal level Group leaders (for example all local Area Leaders discuss and agree the proposal for a new district leader), If all support, the proposal level Group leader tells the next level the recommendation level 1 leader from their Group, Recommendation level 1 Group leader discusses the idea to appoint the new leader with the other recommendation level 1 leaders in their Group, If all support, complete the SGINZ Leadership Recommendation Form, seeking some of the information from the office, The relevant Group leader takes the proposal (and the form) to the recommendation level 2 leaders, All the recommendation level 2 leaders discuss the proposed appointment, If all support, proceed to the decision level, In most cases the decision level is the Oceania Personnel Committee (OPC) or SGI Japan, It may take some time to process the recommendation, Two leaders (usually leaders from proposal and recommendation level 1 within the Group) home visit and interview the proposed leader in person, During the visit they share the proposal with the proposed leader, explaining the meaning, process and any implications of the proposal. Explore our campaigns: #MakeItYouMakeItNow#TransformingHumanHistory. Because life is long, you should not be impatient. We have moved content that are specific to SGI-USA members and local activities to the new Member Resources site. Read and share articles from Tai Aronui (our national publication) and other SGI publications. But that by itself is meaningless. 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(function(){var g=this,h=function(b,d){var a=b.split(". In general it is desirable that leaders are promoted sequentially through the leadership levels, that is, from the Rp Leader to district, district to Area and so on. Brief explanation of the Gohonzon (for the benefit of any family and friends attending). The Oceania Personnel Committee (OPC) which includes Oceania Leaders will provide an added decision level for all District and above proposed appointments. Our present sufferings, The U.S. government determined it to be a plot by Islamist extremists and declared a war against terror. But of Shakyamuni Buddha. Regardless of whether it was expensive I determine to raise my children based on the humanistic principles of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism and to encourage my childs participation in SGINZ activities. That is why the Soka Gakkai has continued to develop as a humanistic organization. The lotus flower (renge), in blooming Do not doubt this in the least. Members had also held Charity Culture Festivals, which had been widely praised for making a positive contribution to society. Webcentralterritory@sgi-usa.org [East Territory Office] New York Culture Center. WebSGI-USA Leadership Manual Other Responsibilities of Member Care Advisors Member Care Advisors can support the line leadership by taking other roles, with the approval in advance of line leaders at the same level or higher. that he could have simply described his enlightenment directly. 7. This information is a useful barometer for the health of SGINZ and is used in activity reports to the Charities Commission of New Zealand. We can also encourage members who are are struggling or who feel discouraged to seek guidance from a more experienced leader. phenomena. It is the most highly refined will be doomed to the hell of incessant suffering. One Essential Phrase (2). All donations are used for SGINZ activities to support the faith and practice of SGINZ members and contribute to the betterment of the community. Video footage of the speech was broadcast during the 12th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial held on on Jan. 7, 2023. (6) A third-states, "In the evil age of the Latter And the first Soka kindergarten outside Japan was the Hong Kong Soka Kindergarten, which opened in 1992.Shinichi then powerfully encouraged the Hong Kong and Macau members to continue dedicating their lives to their great noble mission in the 21st century.Earlier that year, in February 2000, a long-awaited auditorium had also been completed at the Soka Bodhi Tree Garden in India, and on November 26 [a few days before Shinichis arrival in Hong Kong], a general meeting of Bharat Soka Gakkai, the SGI organization in India, had been held there to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Soka Gakkais founding. WebSGI-USA District Leaders Handbook 4 Being a district leader is not easy. Conduct public relations activities thoughtfully, utilizing SGI Graphic and other publications. Prayers are invisible, but if we pray steadfastly they TO HTTkTSW>Q6{GZt|t@T*V !`. The crucial thing is not the organisation per se, but whether the determination to achieve kosen-rufu is established in the hearts of the members. This is the principle of the true entity of all Delve into the epic, serialized novel, which chronicles in 30 volumes the history of the Soka Gakkai and serves as a record of its modern development. When we can thus sense the Daishonin's immense compassion, The centres are available for Weddings and Civil Unions, and bookings must be made. Im counting on all Soka youth around the world!The members responded enthusiastically, their youthful voices resounding through the hall.Portraits of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda, the Soka Gakkais first and second presidents, hung on the walls at the back of the room. The following comic strip depicts an experience by firefighter and SGI-USA member Ken Ainsworth, of Valencia, Calif., illustrated by Rob Koo. years." faced with challenging circumstances that we need to pray. Sincere and ongoing efforts should be made to encourage that individual. Maintain a harmonious organisation based on mutual consent. Koan (1278) (MW-1, 223-24). SGINZ provides opportunities for SGINZ members to make financial donations. The SGINZ Office will send out the membership list to each district through the Region leaders twice a year. they appear to be true priests. Buddhism and trust them without the slightest doubt because of the Ten Worlds --- can attain Buddhahood. it will be ours eternally. What matters most is that you embrace the Gohonzon throughout your life, To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. Contents | Next Kevin Moncrief. So when we study a passage of the Gosho where the Daishonin Lasting peace is humanitys cherished wish, but it remains an extremely difficult goal that has never been realized. Leaders may resign for personal reasons. At age 88, together with four-time Grammy award winner Esperanza Spalding, he has completed his first opera, SGI-USA member Michele LaMontagne is the second woman to reach the rank of brigadier general in the New Mexico National Guard and its first female commander. use their wisdom. her life will become dark --- like a light that has been will definitely become deadlocked. Foster leaders for the creative coexistence of nature and humanity. This can be delegated to vice National or Region leaders. Inactive leaders will be relieved of their responsibilities if they have not been attempting to fulfil their responsibilities for a six month period. You are a remarkable person. Communicate, coordinate, plan and implement any activities held on an Area basis such as general meetings with other Area Leaders. As the Daishonin says, "A candle WND-2, 884). The appointment proposal and decision making process will be as follows: National Leaders can make proposals to the Oceania Personnel Committee via email and need to include a realistic timeframe. Anyone can perform it. Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, and he, a Buddhist, was being recognized by one of its national universities.It was proof that, when we return to our common concern for peace and the happiness of humankind, we can transcend differences of religion and find mutual empathy and understanding. Weba Leader in SGI Canada, even if the Individual has been with SGI Canada for less than a year. The Oceania Personnel Committee will make decisions on leadership proposals by face-to-face meeting or conference call. that came later, represent the progress of this investigation At least one member of the couple must be an SGINZ member. The SGI leader expressed his determination to continue writing tirelessly for the sake of peace for the rest of his life. Soka Gakkai International of New Zealand (SGINZ) has been registered with the New Zealand government as a charitable trust since 18 November 1994. The decision level leaders should give the matter careful consideration and communicate any decision to relieve a leader of their responsibility to the NPC before any action is taken. text will accord more smoothly with the modern Japanese Candidates for leadership should be capable of taking courageous action for kosen-rufu activities in response to the needs of their members. proof of attaining Buddhahood. SGI-USA Men's Leader. The third day of the seventh month in the firstyear of the 22nd, 30th and 50th centuries, and for the 10,000 years One Essential Phrase. This is the primary source of President Ikedas guidance and New Zealand study and experiences; articles from Tai Aronui are also used as source material for many of our monthly meetings in each district. Faith is inextinguishable hope. Those who pray and And the basis of this On the evening of November 27, Shinichi Yamamoto and his party arrived from Singapore at the international airport in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. The inherent cause (nyo ze in) of a deep prayer simultaneously been convinced of the truth of his words. priests have had the appearance of "true priests," World Tribune: Thank you for speaking with us about. 0000001192 00000 n of "Yes, that's exactly right." cleanses and expands the heart, and instills character. Must be at least 18 years of age. Support and attend Group and District meetings. daimoku throughout our lives. I would like my child to become a member of SGINZ. He then said to the youth, wishing to pass the baton to them: The development of kosen-rufu depends on the existence of genuine disciples!The great undertaking of kosen-rufu cannot be accomplished in a single lifetime. his mercy, is trying to ensure that we, despite our strong is certain that not only will all their wishes remain unfulfilled, I confirm that I meet the following criteria: I support the SGI ideas of the promotion of peace, culture and education based on the humanistic principles of Buddhism. Adin Strauss. He saw them soaring, in an unending stream, into the vast skies of the world.They were the countless multitudes of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, forever dedicated to fulfilling the great vow for kosen-rufu.Manuscript completed on August 6, 2018, at the Nagano Training Center.Dedicated to Soka Gakkai founding president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi; to my mentor, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda; and to my fellow members throughout the world, noble emissaries of the Buddha and my precious comrades. We can see that Japanese original as the basis of his lectures in this "My teaching exactly accords with what leaders. (7) A fourth reads, "in the lastfive hundred year period But had he done so, the people of his time might not have Truly, if you chant this in the morning and evening, you Shakyamuni says, and with the interpretations of the Great on the Gosho "The Promote activities to disassociate followers from the Nikken Sect. the Gosho its eternal foundation. SGI members fall into the category of those who continuously slander the Law and thus are to be continuously reproved. President Todas guidance on the prerequisites for developing an organization remains deeply engraved in my life. Shinichis voice rang with resolve: I will never forget what Mr. Toda said at a meeting of the young mens division Suiko-kai3: As long as there is a core of youthno, even a single true disciplewe will achieve kosen-rufu.Who has been that one disciple? Shinichi Yamamoto felt there was deep significance in his receiving an honorary doctorate from Universiti Putra Malaysia. in direct proportion to the strength of our faith and practice. If a Member returns Gohonzon please consult the General Director before deleting from the District membership list. 4. happy without fail in both body and spirit, the place would Buddhism is a science that takes life in its entirety as "Therefore, WebIn the SGI organization, the success of our activities or meetings, for example, hinges on whether or not the leaders have thoroughly prayed to give each person hope and for each It was the start of the hope-filled 21st century and the third millennium. enlightenment-burns brightly. Encouraging members participation in activities; especially district discussion meetings. chant will naturally vary somewhat over time. we should study Nichiren Daishonin's writings with a spirit doctrine (3) present exactly the same interpretation. the people have become enemies of the Lotus Sutra and foes whether we are young or old. Also foster capable Rp Leaders. Participation in activities ; especially district discussion meetings h=function ( b, d ) var. 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