Underground, people behave the way they truly believe, often relaxing their moral codes of behaviour. There remains a great deal of protection around girls in this regard. Eyes, although tremendously important in sexual and affectional relations, are also regarded an important body part because they can attract evil. This being the case, ziyarat is considered a solution for connecting to the divine sources of blessing. It is the same with the saints and Imams. Generally, families with higher educations will be more open-minded regarding the mothers and fathers contribution to the household dynamic. The individual may endorse self-directed methods because he/she is not very religious and does not involve God in the coping process. Today, Iran is home to a population of around 83,024,745 individuals. The interviews varied in length, from around one hour to one and half hours. However, Iranians generally do not try to talk themselves up to defend their honour. Mixing of males and females only really occurs within families or closely knit circles of friends. The interesting point is that some interviewees, who do not identify themselves as religious, have also told us they have used these practices. I begged Him not to let me die in pain. They help teach kids the difference between right and wrong. Still, when religion plays a predominant role as a coping resource, this is often because the individual has few or limited other alternatives available in his/her immediate sociocultural context. Meat (usually lamb, goat, or chicken) is used as a condiment rather than as the centerpiece of a meal. The participants confirmed large cultural differences in doctor-patient communication when encountering Iranian and Swedish patients. The study offers nurses empirical data to help shape conversations about end-of-life care, and thus to enhance their commitment to help people 'die well'. Culture, a socially transmitted system of shared knowledge, beliefs and/or practices that varies across groups, and individuals within those groups, has been a critical mode of adaptation throughout the history of our species [].Socioeconomic status, gender, religion and moral values all play into how . The eye is a pragmatic element in both cultures. Couples tend to only have one to two children. Family culture influences the way each family member thinks, feels, and acts on a daily basis. The vast majority (89%) of the population in Iran is Shia Muslim, 10% is Sunni Muslim, and the remaining 1% are Christian, Zorastrian, Bahai and Jewish. Staying Single: What Most People Do If They Divorce After 50. Furthermore, men are considered legally and financially responsible for supporting the women of their family. Almost all Iranian schools are segregated. Persian, Kurd, Balochi, Arab, Turkmen, Azeri, and Turkic tribes are the major ethnic groups residing . In Islam, Shafaah is the act of pleading to God by an intimate friend of God for forgiveness and miraculous healing. Significant class differences were exacerbated through periods of recent economic hardship and instability. We find two patterns regarding such connectedness. In this article, we proceed from the perspective advocated by Ahmadi and Ahmadi (Citation2018). Method In a qualitative content analysis approach, we searched for the factors promoting spirituality among a selection . They were conducted face-to-face and in Persian; all interviews were audio-recorded and then transcribed verbatim. Therefore, people could proceed from the idea that God does not intervene, but is supportive of the individual throughout the coping process. The transcriptions were then coded, categorised, and thematised using a thematic analysis method. The first one is conversation with God and saints. . (p. 138). Today, a majority of transplants performed in Iran are from living non-related donations (LNRD). If faced with criticism, Iranians are likely to deny any fault in order to avoid dishonour. Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog or a Crazy Dog? Inter-cultural and cross-cultural competencies were made visible. Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. (53-year-old female), Hand in hand with God, we walked together on this path. Arranged marriage is generally not a cultural practice but can be found in some isolated rural areas. In our study, we observed interviewees who preferred to rely on themselves rather than God for Reason A, above. Relevance to clinical practice Ultimately, a womans independence and freedom to make choices for herself (i.e. View. The purpose of the project is to explore, from a sociological perspective, different forms of meaning-making coping (existential, spiritual, and religious coping) used by people who have been struck by cancer and, thereby, to attempt to understand the effect of culture on the use of these coping strategies. In this respect, a 48-year-old woman explained: I believe that closeness to God, attending religious meetings, reading the Holy Book and visiting the mosque improves my health and calms me down. As people dont want to risk doing something shameful, they generally adhere to social expectations. Even though Iranians may consider some of these cultural customs ordinary and mundane, they are sure to raise a foreign eyebrow or two. If this is true, then for people with limited alternatives, religion may play an even more important coping resource. Nevertheless, many parents suggest partners to their children, who then may or may not agree with their recommendation. A critical literature review, Public mental health promotion, meaning-making and existential meaning: Challenges for person-centered care of refugees in a secular, pluralistic context, Religious involvement and subjective well-being, Religion and health among black and white adults: Examining social support and consolation, Why me? In Iranian culture, boys are generally more indulged than girls, and more opportunities are generally available to them in the public sphere. This happened in the midst of human civilization through invasions. Individuals then keep any information surrounding troubles within the family circle away from public knowledge. The continuous presence of pre-Islamic, non-Muslim communities such as Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians has served to accustom the population to non-Muslims participating in Iranian society. In Nigeria, the core traditional values have been debased at the modern era. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Religion, culture and illness: a sociological study on religious coping in Iran, Department of Social Work and Psychology, University of Gvle, Gvle, Sweden, Department of Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Department of Counseling Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran, Department of Nursing, Khoy Medical Sciences Faculty, Urmia Medical Sciences University, Khoy, Iran, Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Department of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, Swedish Agency for Work Environment Knowledge, Gvle, Sweden, Initial development of the Iranian Religious Coping Scale, Non-Hajj pilgrimage in Islam: A neglected dimension of religious circulation, A contrastive study of Arabic and Persian formulas against the evil eye used by women, Does being religious help or hinder coping with chronic illness? Such habitual practices are not straightforwardly religious, but emerge from a powerful amalgamation of religious superstitions and ancient cultural beliefs. One of the most notable characteristics of the Iranian people is their thirst for knowledge. The government also provides donors with free health insurance, and the patients sometimes give an additional donation to donors. Writing notes while interviewing contributed to the data quality. The concepts and topics of spirituality and secular meaning-making coping also overlap, but there is no overlap between secular and religious concepts and topics. I know that Ive done a lot of wicked things in my life. Many Iranians have misgivings about the politicisation of Islam. Behaviour in Iran is also noticeably influenced by peoples perceptions of pride and dignity. According to Majlesi (Citation1982) (a very important religious figure in Iran) (p. 209), the reward (savab) of pilgrimage of Imam Rezas tomb in Mashhad (Iran) is equal to one thousand hajes- pilgrim to Macca. Cultural values are a culture's core beliefs about what's good or right. Most Iranian expats living in Australia are likely to have a more progressive understanding of womens rights as many arrive fleeing the harsh policies of the Iranian government. Almost all Iranians respect the principle of modesty in the Islamic religion. When our interviewees talked about ziyarat, they often referred to visiting his holy shrine. These values are neither positive nor negative - they're just differences. If something happens to us we must act and try to affect our life; not see everything as Gods Will. Research by Ahmad Ali Noorbala and colleagues from Tehran University of Medical Sciences shows women in Iran have a greater incidence of mental disorders than women in Western cultures. A fatalistic attitude about sickness may make Asian patients/families seem resigned to their situation. Their stable meal mainly comprises of larger amount of grains especially rice, fruits and vegetables with small amounts of read meat. Chief Editor: Robert T. Muller, The Trauma and Mental Health Report. For more information please visit our Permissions help page. As Willander (Citation2014, p. 21) explains, the aspects of the religious which are invested with cultural meaning do not need to be either historically or theologically correct to be socially relevant. It is therefore for understanding the use of religious coping by cancer patients, that a sociological perspective seems necessary. (p. 46). One possible reason for this is that, for these interviewees, religion is a larger part of [their] orientation system (Ahmad, Citation2006, p. 28). Even Iranians that leave the house as husband and wife can draw negative attention. I think He has listened. It would seem reasonable to assume that religion is more accessible to individuals whose orientation system is greatly marked by religion. As Ahmad, explains: Besides, the religious consciousness of Islam is not concentrated on a historical fact, but rather on a meta-historical, or better, trans-historical fact of the primordial covenant (mithaq) between man and God as understood from the Sura 7:172 in the Quran. We recognise that personal beliefs and cultural practices are central to the lives of doctors and patients, and that all doctors have personal values that affect their day-to-day practice. The purpose of this study was to explore factors promoting Iranian older adults' spirituality. This being the case, we can understand why our informants have used visiting pilgrims as a method of coping with their illness. This mindset manifests in health beliefs and behaviors in significant ways. The notion that illness is a test imposed on us by God is an old one. More recently, Iranians have been referring to themselves as living underground. We don't wish to prevent doctors from practising in line with their beliefs and values, as long as they also follow the guidance in Good medical practice. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? They're informed by the cultures we most associate ourselves with. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Culture is one of the most important factors affecting the development of motherhood in Iran. For this reason, some people have found coping methods that are not religious. Thus, we can argue that the reason individuals turn to religion in times of crisis is that religion is more accessible in their sociocultural context than are other resources. The criteria suggested by Lincoln and Guba (Citation1985) were utilised in the current research to ensure trustworthiness. I think one thing that helped me was to walk this path alone. The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. Twenty-seven participants with various kinds of cancer were interviewed. Many Asian people, by comparison, have a strong belief that uncertainty is inherent in life and each day is taken as it comes. Collaborative religious coping refers to a search for control through a partnership with God. Vegetables are central to the Iranian diet, with onions an ingredient of virtually every dish. Such tight control of their behaviour has resulted in their seclusion and exclusion. You might choose a career based on your family culture by picking something you know your family values. One can notice it in the institutions dedicated to technology and medical sciences, but also in the general populations remarkable mobilisation of multiple social networks. Translation included an inevitable process of removing certain nuances from the actual texts. interviewed women who visited the health care centers in Ahvaz, Iran, in an effort to understand the determinants of early marriage . The term existential coping is employed because these methods involve individuals efforts to discover an inwardly source in nature, themselves or others that can assist them in coping with their problems. Figure 1, presented by Ahmadi and Ahmadi (Citation2018), depicts the relation between religious, spiritual and secular existential coping observed in our project. This ensures that the households name is not implicated with trouble and their honour is protected. Completely surrounded by God, I put myself and my destiny in His hands. Health (2 days ago) WebThe Mexicans truly believe that unity is strength. Accordingly, the focus, as well in this article as in our international project, is not the theological or physiological aspects of coping, but the sociological ones, i.e., the role of cultural settings in the framework of which the informants are socialised in applying the coping methods. I believe God wanted to warn me with illness and maybe death to change my life and be a better person. Deborah A. Boyle, RN, MSN. One will find different cities have varying reputations from one another, whilst rural areas can have almost entirely different traditions and values. So I accepted it and was happy with it. In above citation, we see a passive approach to facing ones illness and totally relying on God. In the current article, we present the results from our study in Iran, which looks at religious coping methods from a cultural perspective. In many studies in the field of coping, the terms religious and spiritual have been used to address coping methods that are essentially based on existential issues. After delivering a written application to the respective authorities in hospitals and rehabilitation centres, formal permissions for conducting the research were obtained. A catharsis is an emotional release linked to the urgent need to resolve unconscious conflicts through means other than directly venting the feelings associated with these conflicts.Footnote4. All research groups checked all interview drafts and verified all codes and categorizations. The Imam is the guarantor of this process. Cultural factors that can influence family planning discussions and decisions include gender role inequality, deference to family or physician authority, religious influences, belief that. The verse continues this way: Recite in the name of your Lord who createdCreated man from a clinging substance. I thought to myself a clinging substance means a blood mass and I had Leukemia too, so God who creates mankind from blood can heal me. They invite a great number of guests for the wedding day. They are also sometimes taught early that the protection of family honour also resides with them. Some people believe ziyarat has undeniable positive effects on their wellbeing, mental health and behaviour. Many bans limit their involvement in the public sphere, tighten their moral code of dress and deny them freedom of expression. Families are also usually the basis for peoples social and business network. Moreover, it was explained to all potential informants that the research is part of an international study aimed at identifying the strategies patients use to cope with their illness; participation was voluntary; participants could withdraw at any time or from any part of the research without any consequences for themselves; the data are kept confidential; and the research reports have been presented and published without mentioning the participants name or representative characteristics. This changed as the Islamic Republic legally enforced the separation of genders and placed extreme restrictions on women. For more information (Freud & Breuer, Citation1895). Dating practices vary significantly between regions, and are impacted by attitudes and education. Generally, young adults hide the existence of their girlfriend or boyfriend from their parents (especially the father) until they have ascertained that their relationship will lead to marriage. Data was reported in Iran in 2013 has shown that almost 42 percent of deliveries in public hospitals and 90 percent in private hospitals were carried out with cesarean section. They are also sometimes taught early that the protection of family honour also resides with them. Mexican Family Culture: Important Values, Traditions, and Beliefs. The present article is based on an international study on meaning-making coping aimed at understanding the role of culture in coping. In Iran, people generally feel able to relax their moral codes of behaviour and reveal the private side of their life when surrounded by people from their inner circle. Families tend to be small, only 1 or 2 children, but the extended family is quite close. Designing effective health interventions for managing early marriage needs to apply the community-based approaches. We found two patterns. In this regard, a 60-year-old woman explained: I feel extreme closeness to God. Largely, ones family is the biggest social indicator of status. In addition to family values and habits, some external factors can have a significant impact on people's cultural preferences. DEFINITION AND BACKGROUND. Visiting pilgrims is for me like praying. Despite the firmly entrenched reach of the Islamic Republic, Iranians generally discuss politics with vigour. Most Iranians seem to be unified across ethnic divides. This is called Shafaah. The present article is confined to the results obtained in our study in Iran and restricted to religious coping methods. Article. Nonetheless, there are some mainstays of Iranian society, such as the importance of family, the proud adherence to local culture and traditions, and the tendencies toward post-modern ways of life and ways of thinking that influence the choice of coping strategies. When healthcare professionals encounter a more acculturated Hmong family in the U.S., they will likely see more balance of power between mother and father. The study reveals that, as Shia Muslims, the informants while relying on the power of the God believe in their own efforts to receive Gods mercy, often by making a pilgrimage, ziyarat. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. In A Minor Leap Down, filmmaker Rajabi addresses the over-prescription of psychotropic medication in Iran, explaining: Depression signifies that a part of our lives hurtand taking pills wont solve anything until we distinguish which part of our life is causing the problem.. The concept of orientation system concerns the ways in which culture influences peoples lives. Many people use humour to criticise their leaders through doublespeak, and share their theories of scandal and corruption with strangers. The Middle East consists of . (PERSIAN CULTURE) Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia. It is in the remembrance of Allh alone that the hearts really find peace.Footnote3 Holy places may play the role of a safe haven in which one can experience peace and safety a place to freely discharge negative affects and emotions; this may be similar to the idea of catharsis. It is a symbol of love. Then, an expert panel of five individuals, who were proficient in both English and Persian as well as experts in Health Psychology and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, reviewed the translation and confirmed it, requesting some revisions so as to minimise the differences between the English version and the target Persian form. A Minor Leap Down, an Iranian film featured at international film festivals in Berlin and Toronto, illustrates the struggle of a 30-year-old Iranian woman named Nahal, whose deteriorating mental health is undermined by her family. Role of Father: In traditional families, the father is the head of the household. In the first pattern, religious actions are rooted in religious beliefs. In this pattern, praying to and conversing with saints and imams are in focus; one interesting finding was that no one reported having turned to Clergies in this respect. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. The researcher visited or phoned potential patients, survivors, and those who were kept in hospice to invite them to voluntarily participate in the project, and to make an appointment for an interview at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization. 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