The story of the Bell Witch is one of the most popular examples of Appalachian Mountain folklore, and it began in Robertson County, Tennessee. Sixty-five percent of our women are on Kentucky Medicaid, Todd-Langston, manager of the Trover Center for Women's Health, told me. I have 26 first cousins, not counting step-cousins, second cousins, etc. unsalted butter, at room temp, sugar, eggs, at room temp and. Frank Browning reported for nearly 30 years for NPR on sex, science and farming. "Here in West Virginia, you see people carrying around bottles of Mountain Dew all the time even at a public. . Unless policy and behavior change, were not going to improve the health and its links to systemic health.. Vance also was lucky in that his book came out last year, while the national media was looking for someone to explain Trumps popularity with rural and Rust Belt whites. Without access to preventative measure like regular oral checkups and teeth cleanings, as well as comprehensive care, Americas poor fight an uphill battle, involving increased health risk, social stigma and reinforced economic disadvantage. Appalachia has a high concentration of these natural voids, including the world's longest. Ive never once had someone without deep mountains connections place a hand on my shoulder and say, "Me too, sister.". The taste of Appalachia . "Here in West Virginia, you see people carrying around bottles of Mountain Dew all the time even at a public health conference," says public health researcher Dana Singer. SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of, LLC. We can identify the [bacterial] footprints from oral infections in heart tissues. I take out teeth every week that could have been saved with restorative work, he told a reporter forUSA Today. Mostdental insurance limits annual benefits to between $1,000 and $1,500 per personthis cap has hardly changed since the mid-'80s, despite inflation. A little over a year ago, I became obsessed with the concept of shame. It's Pepsi's #2 cash cow, second only to their flagship beverage, Pepsi, even beating out Diet Pepsi for total sales. We told them dont put Mountain Dew in a baby bottle, dont put that baby to sleep with juice, dont let people kiss that baby, to prevent bacteria being transferred, Almon said. Central Appalachia is the number one spot in America for tooth decay to due to their poor diet, lack of access to dental care, and widespread addiction to Mountain Dew. She's received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to study the problem. BIBLIOGRAPHY. This is the third and final part of a series on rural health-care challenges. So we were saved and mostly unharmed. Opioid addiction, smoking, chewing tobacco, lack of access to municipal water systems, and the necessary preoccupation with getting food on the table over worrying about nutritional value are also having an enormous effect on peoples teeth. When, in 2006, Todd-Langston got a call from Jeffrey Ebersole proposing to establish a full dental service for pregnant moms, she said it was like a gift from heaven. Good ol' North Carolina. Both sodas and energy drinks, he says, "are more damaging than food.". Consider what every movie star, news anchor and television personality has in common: not height, weight or ethnicity (though there is certainly an enormous amount of room for more diversity). None of them, as far as I could tell, fell into laziness, violence or what my mother might call sorryness. Public health advocates say soft drinks are driving the region's alarmingly high incidence of eroded brown teeth a phenomenon dubbed "Mountain Dew mouth," after the region's favorite drink. 319K views 8 years ago With little to no job prospects the people living in Appalachia often do not have adequate health insurance. Poor Law Amendment Act, 1841. I think it valuable for us to question how we arrive at the meaning of poverty. TIL that due to the popularity of Mountain Dew in the Appalachian region dentists there have pegged it as the leading cause of poor dental health or as they call it "Mountain Dew mouth". Irish and Scottish immigrants who moved to the Appalachian region to mine coal called their mixers for moonshine, off-market bourbon and whiskey, "Mountain Dew." Barney and Ally Hartman started bottling their Mountain Dew in the 1930s and marketing it as whiskey's best friend, meaning it's had a pretty manly ad strategy from its inception. The 4 of us caught the ATV off balance and it flipped. In January, when an acquaintance who worked on Hillary Clintons campaign touted it on Facebook, I was unable to argue because I had not read it. At first, I hee-hawed and rolled my eyes. Letter to William Shockley. Appalachian Mountains. Mountain Dew, the carbonated fluorescent-green soda that Willy the Hillbilly declared will tickle your innards in a 1966commercial, has long been a staple of Appalachia. I would see a lot of kids who had a mouth full of rotting teeth, Dr. Edwin Smith, a traveling dentist who drove his mobile dental truck for 12 years throughout Kentucky, toldCNN last September. As the story goes, John F Kennedy read Caudills book and quickly moved to set up the Presidents Appalachian Regional Commission in order to take a closer look at what was happening in Appalachia. Leslie Jamison, author of The Empathy Exams, elegantly summed up my decades-long tug of war with how Mountain Dew relates to my identity in a recent interview. The Appalachian Mountains hold some truly terrifying stories.Podcast Episode #308.Download Swamp Dweller Scary Stories:Itunes: 26 August. "It makes no sense to be paying for these things twice.". Upward of a fifth sometimes a quarter of the babies they were delivering at the highly regarded Trover Clinic were below weight and premature. Picking on Diet Mountain Dew was a surefire way to get my attention and cut me to the quick. On top of that, without municipal water systems, people rely on well water, which is unfluoridated or they drink more Mountain Dew to quench their thirst. Old woman smoking a pipe, Appalachia, USA, c1917. If you buy something from an Eater link, Vox Media may earn a commission. are in the service sector, yet these jobs are hard to come by without a certain degree of oral health. Reply Were on the 4-wheeler in the dark and we are coming down this hill. hide caption. No one I met on the trails that day mentioned the rape of Appalachia nor did anyone mentioned that they missed the mountain. According to the federal government, more than 50 million Americans live in areas officially designated asDental Health Professional Shortage Areas, and must travel hundreds of miles to get help. Oral care practitioners are familiar with the term "Mountain Dew Mouth," as the particular brand has far more acid and sugar in comparison to other sodas. These stories grew out of reporting assignments for Kaiser Health News. While millions of Americans suffer because of their teeth, another portion of America supports a $110 billion-a-year dental industry, investing in procedures such as gum contouring and spending up to $2,000 on a single veneer. As she waited to have teeth removed at a free clinic in Jonesville, Virginia, Emma Marsee told Mary Otto, the author of "Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America", that people only want a healthy-looking individual taking care of them. Nonetheless, the factors that contribute to poor dental health are not simply Mountain Dew; they are not even specifically linked to Appalachia. Yes, indeed. February 15, 2009 Marion Virginia: Heart of Appalachia's Highlands & Birthplace of Mountain Dew | Here's the 36th Episode in my new Exploring Appalachia series! Brenda makes a delicious desert -- Mountain Dew Apple Dumplings.-- very easy to make and very good .thank you very much for watching! When we got back to Pats house, I was given a crushed up Loratab to snort for the pain. I would definitely attribute these problems to drinks." Jun. ", 'Soda Mouth' Can Look A Lot Like 'Meth Mouth'. Ive heard that Ron Howard was to make the movie and prayed hed be wiser than most northerners, Your email address will not be published. Some 67 percent of West Virginians age 65 or older have lost six or more teeth owing to tooth decay or gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All the time, she answered. Lack of accessible medical care is still a reality for thousands, particularly women and young mothers. The problem is, he does not have a new or amazing insight. Becoming a parent can be scary. Back in 2009, Priscilla Harris, an associate professor at the Appalachian College of Law, issued the first battle cry in the war against Mountain Dew mouth with a legal brief titled " Undoing. By sa smith on January 26, 2012. Often referred to as the "Appalachians", the Appalachian Mountains are a series of mountain ranges that stretches from the eastern to the northeastern part of the continent of North America.Forming the eastern complement of the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian Mountains extend for about 2,400km from the Central Alabama region in the United States to the Canadian . The journal comes out twice a year and has been a tradition of inspired writing since 1876. Story after story presents tightened regulations and banning the purchase of soda with food stamps as the lone solution to problems caused by excessive Mountain Dew consumption. This is due to the influence of Scottish and . Diaper-clad, the strange critter kicked open a trap door in an apartment where three dudes . Bill Estep and John Cheves. Reply . Close. Nobody ever told them not to. Moonshine is available in a barrage of flavors at most local liquor stores, but it won't be brewed from a hidden still. However, as it stands now, dental care is treated separate from health care, launching an epidemic that weighs heaviest on those who need it most the rural poor. This unique name is an uncommon name for boys but it a unique name. Its not just a beverageits a portable sense of home. 17 More. Vance writes of being lucky in his life and he certainly is when it comes to this book. It's a thing, reports the Salt blog at NPR, and public health advocates in West Virginia and throughout Appalachia say the damage is real and widespread. In both cases, its a prickly briar patch of fact and lore jumbled together. The Appalachians run from Labrador south to Alabama, about 2,100 miles, in all. 1 in the nation in toothlessness. The Appalachian Mountains stretch from the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador to northern Alabama and Georgia. And in an impoverished part of the country, where the majority of residents either go hungry or receive government aid for food, public health advocates are calling for a policy overhaul to address the problem of rotted teeth and gum disease in Appalachia. Vance ignores valid reasons why Appalachians are leery of outsiders telling them who they are because historically, that has always been done through a very skewed lens. I utilize photography to address how images fail at representing culture. Please enter a valid email and try again. A problem as common as gingivitis (excess plaque) can result inserious health problemssuch as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. At the University of Maryland dental school, ateam of researchers explored the effect of toothaches in poor Maryland adults like Matello: 44.3 percent of their respondents reported having experienced more than five toothaches in the past 10 years. 2. In West Virginia, 67% of adults over the age of 65 have lost six or more teeth to decay or disease. Pat worked long hours at a lumber mill a few miles down the road. Then, I knew I shouldve seen it coming. TheADAhas reported that Obamacare's requirement to provide dental care for children under 19 will be rolled back, and the 5.4 million adults who gained coverage under the Medicaid expansion will lose all dental benefits. "What Mountain Dew has going for it is that it's high in caffeine and high in sugar," Harris explained. Regardless of cultural influences Mountain Dew-mouth or not the dental health epidemic in America is rooted in the historical and political legacy of an unequal system. To get a sense of what that looks like, check out this picture. Its poor and thats probably being kind, Ebersole said in an interview last month in Lexington, but I cant say it's that much worse than a lot of the nation. As soon as it aired on February 7, 2016, the Super Bowl ad for Mountain Dew's energy drink "Kickstart" was trending online. Then when she did all these things [in the group] I said, Thats wonderful! Why would this kind of line-in-the-sand stance about a beverage come hundreds (er, thousands) of cans into a relationship? It asks very little from the reader. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Mountain Dew is mountain slang for "whiskey"; the phrase appears in Irish folk songs from the late 19th century and in an American folk song protesting Prohibition. Old recipes passed down keep traditions alive, but more coveted. The coal operators, who came from elsewhere to buy the land, blew up the mountains. Its gross." is completely exhausting. 4. But what exactly did that mean? When we got back to Pats house, I was given a crushed up Loratab to snort for the pain. Appalachia People sometimes call it the water of the south. He cites a 2009 ABC report on "Mountain Dew mouth" in Appalachia, and the outraged reaction of Appalachians. Over the course of two days, among the reclining chairs and portable dental equipment that had been erected on the civic center floor, 116 dentists provided $1 million worth of care to 1,165 patients, many of whom had traveled across state lines to endure long lines and the bitter cold as they waited for treatment. "Mountain Dew" is a centuries-old mountain slang term for moonshine initially crafted as a mixer for whiskey in the early 1930s. It is, however, a drink thatfor better or worseties me to my home. Ive worried that I wont get work, that I will be perceived as less intelligent and qualified because I occasionally enjoy a soda thats lambasted as the scourge of the soft drink earth. A Fresh Look at Appalachia50 Years After the War on Poverty Kealey Lowe is a student at Stone Memorial High School. They were in pain, and theyd be hurting at school.. He mentions that she pushed him to write this, apparently recognizing that claiming his Appalachian heritage as an obstacle to overcome would sell. The Appalachian Mountains, commonly called the Appalachians, are a chain of mountains in the East of North America. Mountain Dew - Willie Nelson. For those who have never had the pleasure of sipping an ice cold can of Mountain Dew, youve probably only heard talk of its vices, of which there are (admittedly) many. "At this point, we've been addressing poverty for 40 years," Mullins said. Like those many before him including many news stories last year Vance has just written yet another look at these poor people story. Within the first hour of knowing him, I watched as he got into three drunken fistfights. 1974. Each time I hear it, I feel angryangry and ashamed. In a region long undergoing a cultural and economic crisis, Appalachias thirst for Mountain Dew is perhaps the lesser of many evils. Would people feel as open to chiding me or ribbing me about the drink if I were a man? This narrow and extensive mountain system parallels the eastern coast of North America for nearly 2,000 miles. But she and Almon had their own conditions: They wanted to locate the oral health study in a new sort of prenatal program at Yale created by nurse-midwife Sharon Rising called CenteringPregnancy. "Here in West Virginia, you see people carrying around bottles of Mountain Dew all the time even at a public health conference," says public health researcher Dana Singer. Elbio. no shoes!) This year marks the 50th anniversary of Lyndon B Johnsons January 1964 State of the Union address. Copyright 2023, LLC. Now why would you want your baby to be smoking? Rising, whose Centering Healthcare Institute has worked with major medical schools across the country, flew down to Madisonville to help Todd-Langston and Almon start the prenatal program there. ", Beneath all the systemic diseases linked to bad oral health, Ebersole argued, is a disastrous healthcare system in which oral health is considered a luxury. It also seems that along the way, he had already been writing something for the conservative outlets like the National Review (whose editor has a glowing blurb on the back cover, as does Chua) that helped promote him and make him the hillbilly whisperer for more mainstream publications. At one time, the town was the center of a booming coal mining culture. By the end of the programs second year, the research results began to come in on the health of the newborns. Social Darwinist thinkers in the late 18th century and early 19th century influenced attitudes towards poverty during the emergence of capitalism (6). For me, this photograph is valuable because it shows us how little we actually know when viewing this image, any image. It was late in the afternoon and I wrapped my hands tight around Dozers sweaty shirtless body because I was pretty terrified. Many people don't trust the well water in their homes because of pollution concerns and probably drink more soda because of it, she says. According to a report from WiseG About Us Its high sugar and caffeine content seem to be habit-forming, with many accounts of Appalachians constantly sipping and carrying bottles everywhere throughout the entire day. The freshest news from the food world every day, By submitting your email, you agree to our, How Mountain Dew Came to Perpetuate a Deep-Seated Appalachian Stereotype. They have the common ground of becoming a mother., The patients are accountable to each other, said midwife Sarah Almon. The Bell Witch (who is thought to be a woman named Kate Batts) was supposedly cheated in a land purchase by John Bell, the patriarch of the . January 15, 2021. I havent read it yet; if I do (and thats a big if when there are so many other better books to read) it will be only so that I can answer academic pinheads who persist in decrying negative stereotypes for every group except white Southerners. See our ethics policy. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. Public health . Chaos begets chaos. (New York: Pergamon) 1977, 6. Poor Law Commissioners. But over in Appalachia, the region that stretches roughly from southern New York state to Alabama, the fight against soda is targeting an altogether different concern: rotted teeth. Harry Caudill, . Dentists have noticed that the toll soda takes on teeth can resemble the damaging impact of meth. It's estimated 26% of preschoolers in Appalachia already have tooth decay. With new Mountain Dew flavors seeming. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income. 1. The town sprang up after the Louisville and Nashville Railroad and Southern Railroad made a junction there in 1890. One of the amazing things about Centering, Todd-Langston said, is when you bring people together on common ground, even though the lower socioeconomic women are the ones that get the most out of this, by bringing them in here, those barriers go away. The Appalachian folk song was written in 1928. The Appalachian Mountains appear striped because the ridges are forested, providing a dense and dark canopy cover, while the valleys are farmed with crops that generally appear as lighter-toned areas. If theres a pop culture reference about DMD you need to knowincluding that bopping Lana Del Ray jam and its brief mention in a recent Paul Muldoon poemIm your girl. I knew that Pat had his own set of values that were different from prevailing societal norms. However, this poses a significant problem because, in the eyes of the American health care system, the mouth is separate from the rest of the body. 4. Before pursuing that lofty goal he was a lawyer, which is where he got the source material for Mountain Dew. People exist, of course, who are violent, dysfunctional, addicted, and on welfare. After becoming the first person to successfully call attention to the dark reality of what was happening in Appalachia, Caudills thinking changed. It turned out that just behind Pats trailer was an old reclaimed strip mine that had been turned into ATV trails for recreational use. Appalachia has a distinct culture of sipping soda constantly throughout the day. Growing up in Eastern Kentucky, Mountain Dew was not a novelty, not an ironic goofjust simply a way of life. The beverage industry has repeatedly challenged claims that its products are destroying teeth. His family, the Greens had lived in this holler (4) for many generations. There were two versions of this song, the first version was written in 1928 and the second was in 1935. Appalachian English is a term linguists use to describe the speech patterns of people in Appalachia. Appalachia. The two smarter passengers bailed during the flip but I was still hanging on to Dozer with the camera wrapped around my neck as I fell to the ground. Basic education, says Harris, is also needed: "We also just need to let people know that you can drink these drinks safely, but they can also do harm. But the numbers across the rural American South and lower Midwest are worse. Agastya.,, While Medicaid, as the medical safety net for the poor, should provide help for those with dental needs who cannot afford to pay, only 15 states offer full dental benefits and five states offer nothing at all, as reported in a study byPew. Sorry, but no. I remember this story myself. How could I feel ashamed in my own house? Frequently he attributes rough behavior and inexperience with the world to, essentially, hillbillies being hillbillies. MADISONVILLE, Ky. . For me, that argument continues to manifest itself on both a personal and interpersonal level. North America heart disease, diabetes, or cancer that claiming his Appalachian heritage as an obstacle to overcome sell! You buy something from an Eater link, Vox Media may earn a commission the end the! First cousins, not an ironic goofjust simply a way of life many him. 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